0:00:01.380,0:00:06.500 The Loquat Growing On My Forehead Has A Terrible Personality - manbo-p 0:00:20.640,0:00:25.000 A loquat tree has grown out of my forehead, 0:00:25.180,0:00:29.740 acting as though it has always been there. 0:00:29.880,0:00:34.780 I'm scared of trying to pluck it recklessly, 0:00:34.980,0:00:39.420 and I'm also too embarrassed to go see a doctor. 0:00:39.680,0:00:44.400 When I, due to my new-found clumsiness caused by the heavy loquat, 0:00:44.700,0:00:49.340 accidentally shaved off one of my eyebrows, 0:00:49.620,0:00:53.200 the loquat, indifferent to my suffering and tears, 0:00:53.420,0:00:58.420 began to lengthen explosively. 0:00:58.620,0:01:02.660 Come on, please let this be a Nice story where 0:01:02.880,0:01:07.380 when I'm sad it will wilt and when I'm happy it will grow. 0:01:07.560,0:01:11.980 Don't you dare flaunt your fruits whenever I'm depressed. 0:01:12.280,0:01:17.760 Are you trying to be inversely proportional to the amount of my hair? You bastard! 0:01:27.700,0:01:31.860 A loquat tree has grown out of my forehead, 0:01:32.200,0:01:36.720 acting as though it has been there since my grandfather's generation. 0:01:36.960,0:01:41.600 It doesn't grow when I'm sleeping, 0:01:41.840,0:01:46.560 but as soon as I wake up and look at it, it'll be growing. 0:01:46.680,0:01:51.300 Onto the loquat that's prospering in front of my eyes, 0:01:51.460,0:01:56.080 I decided to spray some herbicide. 0:01:56.300,0:02:00.280 A few minutes after I thought it was all over, 0:02:00.560,0:02:05.860 I came to regret my action. 0:02:06.140,0:02:09.800 The loquat tree has sprouted A new branch in a location 0:02:09.800,0:02:12.080 such that the drops of fluid would drip right into my eye. 0:02:12.300,0:02:14.560 I'll need a shower hat. 0:02:14.840,0:02:19.860 When I turn in my sleep, It would drip onto the tatami and make it rot. 0:02:20.000,0:02:25.280 Finally, I decided to wash it with water, which nurtured the loquat back to life. 0:02:36.560,0:02:39.380 I'll have to try the opposite approach. 0:02:39.680,0:02:44.500 If it grows when I'm in a slump, 0:02:44.860,0:02:49.360 then it should wilt when I laugh. 0:02:49.640,0:02:53.180 Try my roars of laughter on for size. 0:03:00.720,0:03:02.560 A second tree has grown out of my right armpit, 0:03:02.560,0:03:05.200 And it grows when I laugh. Seriously?! 0:03:05.360,0:03:09.980 On top of that, I can no longer put my right arm down because of the sharp branches. 0:03:10.360,0:03:14.560 This is now a life-threatening exigency, so I called for an ambulance. 0:03:14.820,0:03:17.720 But when the ambulance arrived, 0:03:17.960,0:03:20.480 I had already completely removed the loquat. 0:03:20.580,0:03:24.180 Aah-!!!!!!!!!